Opening August 2023
Opening August 2023
Morning Star at Bishop Larkin
Investing in all of God’s children to provide hope for the future
Bishop Larkin Catholic School is honored to be part of the Morning Star Catholic School Consortium. Morning Star is a consortium of Catholic Schools accredited by the Florida Catholic Conference dedicated to meeting the needs of students with various education challenges. Morning Star schools recognize that all children are a gift from God and that their unique abilities should be celebrated and honored

About Our Program
The goal of Morning Star at Bishop Larkin Catholic School is to help children with an identified learning or developmental challenge reach their fullest potential- academically, socially and spiritually. Students will receive their core instruction in a separate classroom with a specialized curriculum and a low student to teacher ratio that is tailored to meet their unique needs.
Our program is a multi-grade level classroom currently
serving students in 1st-3rd grade.
To have your child considered for admissions to the Morning Star at Bishop Larkin, parents must:
Complete the online inquiry form below.
Submit the student’s Psychological/Psycho-Educational evaluation, I.E.P. (or Support Plan) or any documents supporting your child's needs to the BLCS school office via email at office@bishoplarkin.org. Please indicate that you are applying to the Morning Star program.
Complete the Admissions application
Schedule a parent and student intake interview and shadow/evaluation with our Student Support team (our team will reach out to schedule once you have submitted the necessary documents)
If the school team determines that we can meet the needs of your child, your student will be offered enrollment in Morning Star at Bishop Larkin Catholic School
PLEASE NOTE: At this time, we are unable to meet the needs of medically fragile students or those with extreme behaviors that disrupt the learning environment.
Tuition and Fees
​Click HERE for the 25-26 Tuition & Fees
Scholarships: We accept a variety of scholarships including the FES-Unique Abilities Scholarship https://www.stepupforstudents.org/scholarships/unique-abilities/ for more information
PLEASE NOTE: Parentally placed private school students with a disability do not have an individual right to receive some or all of the special education and related services that the student would receive if enrolled in a public school under the individuals with disabilities, education act, as amended.